You’re in the right place – no matter if you’re still looking for ideas or already visualising your business. Find your path!
Develop and test your business model and business plan. Give yourself financial security and use the start-up funding available in your region!
Learn about key aspects about financing. Find financing and funding partners. In your region. And contact them directly about potential financing.
Get the paperwork sorted: a step-by-step guide through the registration process. Tailored to your needs, complete with guidance and a virtual search for the relevant authorities.
Most of the sites of the start-up platform are in German - use translation options of your browser to read them in English or other languages.
Sei deutschlandweit dabei, wenn am 4. Mai inspirierende Geschäftsideen auf die Teststrecke gehen! Die Gründungsideen drehen sich ums flexible Arbeiten und entspannte (Feierband-) Getränke… Klingt interessant? Dann melde dich jetzt kostenlos an.
We want more people in Germany to launch their own business. And to be successful. This is why we have developed the start-up platform. It’s publicly funded, so you can use it free of charge.
Set up a protected account and develop your idea into an actual business. You’ll find advice, funding, and financing in your region, only a few mouse clicks away. Nobody will be able to see your project, unless you want them to.
Many have already completed the process and done so successfully. A recent user survey showed that nine out of ten users have already put their ideas into practice or are in the process of doing so. Three in four said the start-up platform was ‘perfect’ or ‘very helpful’*.
The start-up platform was initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and KfW and put into practice by our partner BusinessPilot.
*Current as at: spring 2021, on the basis of 12,195 entries
Starting up a business should be easy. It’s all about your dream and concentrating on what it is you do best. We are you virtual partner in this. We have taken all the complexity out of the business plan and will guide you through it step by step.
Use the start-up platform to access free advice. There are many public-sector providers of funding for new entrepreneurs and many financing partners to support you as you set up your business. You can contact them here to ask them for feedback or to have your questions answered, so you can soon reach your goal. See who can help you in your region.